Frohring Meadows

I stopped at EO's with her birthday flower arrangement and card in honor of her 89th birthday.  It was celebrated last night with cake and ice cream at the shelter house at Frohring Meadows (her favorite place to walk), then a wild ride in the historic Euclid Beach Rocket Car with her children, grandchildren, and great-grandchildren.  What a blast she had!

Photos from my walk:  bluebirds on a donated box (what a beautiful remembrance), kildeer (my first capture), and lovers standing amidst the weeds (oh my goodness I could NEVER do that!  I was itching at just the thought of it.)

I was lucky to get any pictures at all.  Every time I stood still to take a series of shots, I was dive bombed by a swallow.  When it got right above my hair, I heard its beak click shut as it scooped up a bug.  The third time confirmed it was targeting me.  I flailed and yelled like a silly nut.  I felt like this. 

Thanks for your visits and comments.  Hope your Friday is a d-lite.

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