Girls in Glasses

This is one of the photos that got distorted Thursday with erroneous settings by moi.  It was too funny not to use in honor or dear Admirer, RIP.  So I took a photo of it on my screen today and that distorts it even more.

My friend couldn't remember or read what it said on the arm of her new pink glasses once she took them off (or wearing them for that matter).  I told her to point the lettering toward me and I'd take a picture from 6 feet away with my camera so we could read it. 

"Boys Make Passes at Girls in Glasses"  Truly silly!

I always appreciated visits and kind comments from Admirer, as well as her beautiful photo journal.  It was lovely of her to host Silly Saturday for so many years, inspiring smiles and laughter for us every week.  We were touched by her presence.  Thank you Admirer/Willemein.

Best wishes to her family in their sorrow.

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