The accidental finding

By woodpeckers

Kashmiri boxes

I took these reference shots of items on a fellow stallholder's stall at the market today. I might want to buy something at a later date. The bright colours of Kashmiri papier mache have always appealed to me, and I have several items that I bought in Bahrain, when TMLHereandThere lived there (she is my sister).

Not much sales activity in the market today. It was too hot outside. A band was playing on Kendrick street, and Morris dancers were doing something somewhere. A Pride picnic and concert was taking place in Bank Gardens. We fanned ourselves, and chatted to each other.

CleanSteve dropped by for a while. My friend Q came in, and stayed longer. Went out and I bought ice creams. Also bought a pair of sandals in the Sales. G dropped by with some jigsaw puzzles, and a cheque. Wonderful!

When Ron, the market organiser, put on his CD by the Who, with Substitute as the first track, this was the cue to start packing up. (Usually it's a Def Leopard track, but Norm the music Man is on holiday, so we had no Beach Boys today. I did attempt to screen along with Ian Gillan on Child in Time, though). We got out by 4pm, and I went home to finish reading my current book, Family Life, by Akhil Sharma, in the cabin. I didn't expect the book to take such a sombre turn. I can't say more, for fear of spoiling the experience, but I was glad to see that I have a collection of short stories by the same author.

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