
I was up early this morning. Having had plenty of sleep lazing about yesterday I felt my cold was a bit better and I'd had enough rest. I was amazed at the number of birds hanging around the feeders considering the early Rook and Jackdaw raiders had already been and cleared the lot.

21 species visited, and most of them in the early morning:-
blackbird, blue tit, chaffinch,coal tit,collared dove, dunnock, g s woodpecker, great tit, greenfinch,house martin, house sparrow, jackdaw, magpie,nuthatch, pheasant, redpoll, robin, rook, siskin, tree sparrow, wood pigeon.

It took shots of most of the visitors but chose the juvenile dunnock (hedge sparrow) to blip. At first I mistook it for a young robin as I'd been taking shots of one earlier but it's much greyer around the head.

Blip in the camera early, I got on with accounts for the rest of the day.

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