Look what I found

The state of the small shed nearest to the house has finally forced me to make an effort to clear out some of the things I’ve been pushing in there for the last few year (so much so that I can no longer get in).  Earmarked for Freecycle is a fairly ancient print enlarger, which I used in the past to create black & white prints. (Do you think I’ll find a taker?). A suitcase full of fabric from mums house that has sat there for the last three and a bit years (it still looks OK) and in the house, behind the settee is the round extendable table that has been replaced but not yet sent on its way.  And then I found three lever-arch files that still look in reasonable condition.  I wonder if any of them will find a new home.

Oh and the skull - was in the greenhouse, which I’ve also bee tidying.  I might need the space when we empty the shed (available because I failed to grow tomatoes this year).  The sheep skull is from the North York Moors and I came across while exploring an new path, not long after the sheep demise.  I then waited for nature to strip the skull clean before putting it in a plastic bag and bringing it home.  One of those items that teachers and photographers collect, just in case it comes in useful.

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