The accidental finding

By woodpeckers

Crocheted what? Silly Saturday 144

Saturday was silly, all in all. I got up and walked to the office of a charity I sometimes work for. We got a lift to Tewkesbury, picked up the young people we were looking after, and accompanied them on a bus to Cheltenham for their day out. We went bowling, and to Costa Coffee. I am terrible at bowling, but I did score one strike.

After our social time (and after I'd wiped a cup of thickened tea off Costa's floor - nice!) I saw them all back on the bus again, young people and staff. I stayed in Cheltenham so I could go and visit CleanSteve in hospital. I bought him a magazine, some chocolate and a croissant. Then he texted to say, don't come! Apparently it was All Change in his ward, and he was being moved to another ward. He didn't want me to visit, so I stayed in M&S, and John Lewis, and the Oxfam bookshop, and the PDSA, until it was time to walk back to the bus stop on the Bath road. This foot journey seemed to take hours.

Returning to Stroud, I ate some M&S corn tortilla chips on the bus. My stomach felt bad by the time I got home, but I nipped out to the nearby park, only to find the the local festival had just finished! Back home, only then did I realise that I'd felt tired all day, and that my stomach was cramping in places I'd never even dreamed of.

In the end, I went to bed and watched two episodes of Evil Genius on Netflix, while googling all my symptoms and trying to work out which horrendous illness I had. (Common sense later informed me that bowling alleys and shared bowling balls might be a source of infection; and that drinking a bucket of caffeinated cappuccino, followed by half a bag of tortilla chips, certainly didn't help).

The silliest thing of all to my mind, though, was this Crochet-your-own Succulents book, spotted in Stroud high street. No, I can't crochet my own, but I do have a real plant, if anyone wants to see it.

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