
Back to reality with a bump today - and with sore feet which meant that I had to wear my Crocs for Bailey's first walk this morning. Luckily, it was very early and we only saw one runner who was too busy puffing to notice my footwear. 

Back home to start work and, once a couple of things were committed to email, I cracked on with the marking I was supposed to chunk through the week and failed to do so. But today, I have cleared it. Year 12s' trial exam on King Lear and Tess of the d'Urbervilles  and Y10s' on Shakespeare and the poetry anthology. Marking was interspersed with jobs: washing and pegging out, cutting the grass, a bit of general tidying, hoovering and giving Bailey a bath. 

A sense of achievement to start the penultimate week of this academic year - and memories of a lovely day yesterday will get me through much of it, I hope. 

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