Environmental "Re-Evolution"...

Thanks in part to David Attenborough we're all becoming more and more aware of our duty to protect our precious planet, and especially to stop polluting our oceans with plastic. We need to "Re-evolve" to be more environmentally savvy.

Well, this afternoon was a photoshoot which I'd agreed to attend as a helper (and behind-the-scenes videographer - see yesterday's blip, with its links to previous shoots). It was organised by Joan, one of our camera club members as one of her fantasy photoshoots. The theme this time was discarded plastic.

The model's dress and headgear were made entirely out of discarded plastic - the dress from bubble-wrap and the head-dress from plastic bottles; the trail of "waves" reaching from the sea was also made with bottles, fastened together with cable ties. It's taken Joan about 6 months to make it all!

The photoshoot was interesting. A full recce had been made, and the tide times checked. What we hadn't bargained for was that today must have been a spring tide, as it came in faster and higher than usual - so we had to beat a hurried retreat further up the beach with all the equipment (including studio lights) several times. Most of us got wet feet - we then remembered that even King Cnut couldn't control the sea!

The "official" photos will be much better than this shot, which I grabbed in between taking behind-the-scenes videos but it'll give you an idea of what it was all about.

(Oh, and happily my behind-the-scenes video clips mostly came out OK!)

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