Wooden Bridge Across Spring Creek

My husband and I wanted to go someplace local for a little hike, so we headed for Spring Creek, not far from Bellefonte. We parked along the water and then walked up the creek to a favorite wooden bridge. This is not far from where we saw the muskrats that one time. (Alas, there were no muskrats on this day, but a girl can hope, can't she?)

Everything was green, so very green, and all grown in. And there were wildflowers everywhere. I often wear long hiking pants, but since it was hot, I had shorts on, and the grasses tickled my calves. If you have issues with random vegetation touching your legs, you would not like it here in summer!

We also spotted a large, white (domestic?) duck hanging out with four smaller female mallards; they seemed like a family group. Perhaps a Brady Bunch type situation, and who am I to judge? Oddly enough, we were not bothered by a single mosquito.

This is a picture of the wooden bridge, looking quite overgrown at the edges. I crossed it to see if there were any butterflies on the vegetation on the other side. I did spy one great spangled fritillary feasting on milkweed, but it left before I could get any decent pictures!

Here is a song for a bridge: Elton John, with The Bridge.

Bonus: the view from the bridge.

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