Views of my world

By rosamund


As the weather was foul and the light dreadful, I had a wee shot of Noah's new tripod today. He got a telescope for Christmas which came with a tripod and I wanted to see if it really made much difference when trying to take photos in rubbish conditions. I was amazed I got anything at all from the living room window while the wind was blowing and rain falling outside. There was snow on the hills on the other side too which you can just make out.

The limitations of my camera (and my skill/ knowledge) continue to irk but a wee footer in iPhoto and a wee filter from the snazzy blip app created a picture I quite like.

The kids are going to their dads tomorrow for the new year so we all just hung out and enjoyed each others company today. They won't be home til the weekend, which will be wierd, but I'm sure they'll have fun. I tend to come over a bit peculiar when they're away for any length of time but I tell myself it's good practice for when they're older. Carlos finishes work tomorrow so it will be nice to have his company with the children gone.

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