
By Missycat

TinyTuesday215 Violas

Today was another busy one.  Daughter #2 was confirmed yesterday by her GP as having concussion and rest and medication have been prescribed.  Fortunately by last night the vomiting had stopped  but she is still in pain and exhausted by it all.  This morning Mr MC was at home again and so could help me take Violet to her before school childminder and then was out for a day's golf.  I, on the other hand, seemed to have a great deal to get through, so much so that at 10,45 am I realised that I should have met a friend for coffee at 10am... I phoned her and she kindly said that she return to our meeting place and so we did have our coffee, better late than never.
Much later, at about 6.30ish I realised that I had nothing for TT, so I dashed round the garden looking for suitable subjects.  This isn't the sharpest shot but I do like the colours and I did want a record of this beautiful little black viola before it stops flowering.  I can't remember the name of it and I've misplaced the label unfortunately.

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