Roman Blipmeet

The first requirement for a successful Blipmeet is an interesting blipper, the second a suitable venue, preferably with good coffee and activity.

WalkingMarj and the Roman site of Vindolanda fulfilled the brief perfectly. After a good blether over coffee we browsed the excellent museum, Mr Flum and I marvelling at the array of finds the site had given up over the years of archeological investigation, Marj, our personal guide, pointing out the most interesting.

When time for the Official Blipmeet Photo, taken in front of an appropriate display entitled 'How Do We Know Their Stories', Mr Flum appears to have left Marj in the shadows in both our photos - such are the difficulties of museum lighting.

Marj had to leave but we stayed a while and watched the excavation in progress (no shouts of "eureka", unfortunately) then departed to enjoy the rest of the day in sunshine.

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