Turtles All The Way Down

By Stacebob

Silent Alarm

Cor, what a most excellent day! Pam & Sarah popped over for lunch today, which was fun. Sarah bought her poffertjes pan so we made a ton of the tiny delicious pancakes in it, whilst simultaneously trying not to die laughing at Sarah's attempts to teach Pam how to use her new phone. I've never known Pam so quiet as when she discovered she can play word games on her phone!

I skidaddled at about 4:30pm to go off and meet Phil & Zoe for dinner (only a small one, because I was so full of poffertjes) and Bloc Party! We got to the gig in time for the support act, whenyoung, who I rather liked. Unfortunately I had to separate myself from Zoe and Phil after a couple of Bloc Party tunes because I got wedged between a bunch of tall people, meaning I couldn't see or dance. I headed off to the side and managed to find a spot where I could see all but the drummer and there was room for me to flail. It was a great gig, even if I was literally sweatier than I've ever been before when it ended (seriously, sweat was dripping off my elbows!)

Phil came back to ours as Kie is over for the night, so I'm just settling in for some booze, YouTube playlists and friend nonsense. Cheers!

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