First beach walk of the year

8.2C very little breeze. Bright and sunny!

Happy New Year to one and all !

What a glorious day to start a new year. Maeve the Deerhound and I went for our early walk and enjoyed a beautiful sunrise over the North Sea. The sun was just appearing over the horizon and the thin clouds were streaked with reds, oranges, and purples.

Before lunch Apothecary7 , Maeve, and I went out and enjoyed a walk and there was hardly a cloud to be seen. We went to Westhaven beach. We went by the Fishermen's huts, and the little cottages shining white in the low sun.

I had taken a few pictures by then, but I turned around as we walked past the garden with the seat in front of the little hut and this was the view. It shows the channel the boats use to come in through the rocks quite well.
It had to be the blip :-)

It has me thinking about holidays ... I do like holidays :-)

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