
By Angelique


One benefit of living here was we inherited the plants that the previous owners planted.

In February when we took over, I realised that the plants in one of the raised vegetable beds was raspberries.   Having researched how to grow them, I cut them almost to the ground.  They are now over 5ft and we are eating them every day.  The blackberries are massive and are trained on wires on the side fence.

Admittedly we have to protect them from blackbirds etc.  and now we have discovered that they seem to be a favorite of the mice from next door.

But it's nice to share isn't it.

The weather was very bright and warm this morning but now it is cloudy and cooler.  Apparently it will be hot again this week coming. 

We're hoping to go back to Cornwall on Tuesday for a day visit where it will be much cooler.

Enjoy fellow blippers and know that we all need to be LOVED. xxxx 

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