Now, as I see it......

By JohnRH


That's a Shield Bug to you.  I checked up on my self-seeded strawberry patch in the front garden and cropped about twenty fruits from them.  Very tasty, but I don't think I'll be bidding for the Wimbledon contract just yet.  They're definitely wild strawberries and I'm happy to let them create ground cover between the shrubs but I'll have to keep a bit of an eye on them; they were getting close to the wall of the house and as we have an old house with rubble foundations it's not a good idea to get things growing into them (not long after we moved in about 24 years ago I found bindweed growing up through the floor in one room next to a patio door that was installed at the time!).

This Shield Bug was happily munching away on one strawberry so I left him to it.

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