New space

Bailey and I were up fairly early and he was walked and we were home by ten past eight in an attempt to beat the heat. We made it around the big block but it has been his only walk today as, even at gone nine, it is still very warm. We weren't back that long when I had a message from work to say that they were going to move things over from my old office if I wanted to pop over to orchestrate it. I did and ended up with a configuration that I am fairly happy with and definitely more space than I have had previously. A quick pop in turned into a couple of hours of sorting and there will be a bit more to be done before September but not for a while. 

Home via the Post Office to return an unwanted order and then in to Bailey who was forgiving of my absence. By rights, this should be a before and after blip as his lovely groomer has been this afternoon. We managed the before (in the extra) but he has been mainly having a lie-down in the hall since she left so that will need to wait until tomorrow. 

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