Evening Swim

I thought the day would be very relaxed as it was both the final day of the heatwave and the warmest. But in the end a lot happened and several photographs were potential blips - which one to use?
After a morning spent sitting around in the shade Jan went off to the museum and I decided to set up an outdoor shower. Basically it was a hosepipe laid out across the grass. The water becomes really warm in this sun, in fact the problem can be that it’s too warm!  But just where I had planned my shower the grass was growing a little long so I got the lawn mower going and ended up cutting half the lower lawn, a very sweaty job in these 30°C temperatures. The shower was successful, first warm to wash off the dirt and then cold to chill me down.
After that it was time to swim. I cycled to our local lake (extra) using full e-power to maximise the breeze and minimise the work. The lake is really warm now and I swam for a long while without getting cool at all, before cycling home. A good way to travel in the heat and I got home feeling fairly fresh.
A bit later Jan came home and we drove up to Kramfors Chapel to listen to the Nora Trio (extra). It was a wonderful evening but I can’t really explain why because what the musicians do is so perfect, yet so unusual. I’ll quote Jan’s blip “Local poetry set to fabulous music and played with heart and skill. A total treat.” and our friend Karin “As the pianist plays he creates a huge musical dome and then slowly drops notes into it, one at a time, slowly, perfectly”. Even the chapel is wonderful especially with the evening sun shining in through the windows.
Karin, Ylva and I went off afterwards to swim and found the local swimming spot completely deserted. We had a lovely swim in the evening sun and then headed back to join Lonny and Jan, for a meal of home marinated salmon, pickled herring (sill) and potatoes.
We finally headed home at midnight, commenting on how it is almost getting dark now, and wondering about when we will see the first stars after our summer of light nights.

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