Boyz Will Be Boyz

I'm publishing this shot because OilMan thought it was hilarious and I thought it was a peculiar thing to put on a cycling shirt, but failed to see the particular humor in it. He launched into a story about Boy Scouts, farting jokes and beans....he says I have no sense of humor, I say I don't think farting is funny. I think we'll just have to let that one rest since those with a Y chromosome will probably always think farting is funny and those without will continue to fail to see the humor. Or maybe it has nothing to do with gender, a once  simple genetic proposition lately grown psychologically enormously complicated. 

But back to the baked beans. We did have some pretty memorable full English breakfasts on the Isle of Jersey back in the '70's  where we encountered  for the first time the thoroughly English (at least in my mind) combination of Heinz baked beans on toast. In my time in Britain, I grew to love Haggis, I adored fish suppers (minus the mushy peas) and I learned how to make (and enjoy) mince, but I was never able to wrap my arms around baked beans on toast.
That's the first thing I thought of when I saw this fellow's cycling jersey.

I put a picture in extras of Dana, who said that my efforts to subtly take the gentleman's picture at Trail House weren't subtle. She was not so subtly pretending she didn't know me....

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