A Handful of Wishes

Dear Diary,

It is rather late in the season for dandelion puffballs especially given the fact that the lawn was mowed on Tuesday but when I looked out the window I saw a white shape on the lawn.  Wondering what it could be, I went out and found this lone puffball.  It had been cut off the stem by the trimmer but was completely intact, a  minor miracle really.  As far as I could see, it was the only one on the entire lawn and I have over 2 acres of lawn.  So, being the good country girl that I am, I made my wishes and blew as hard as I could.  The breeze took the tiny seeds heavenward.  Most people with nice lawns would be aghast but I like dandelions and I wished it well.  See you and your friends next year! 

The first day of August and the quote on my window banner for the month seemed appropriate, "However late rosebuds (or puffballs) come, they always bloom equally in the end.  It could have been a metaphor for the quality of a life."  

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