'They're Off!'

We were back to orienteering proper at the Scottish Six Days today, with an event high up on Culteuchar & Dron.  The walk to the Starts took us up the steep hillside with fabulous views.  I enjoyed my course and was in first place for a long time before being pipped by a Swedish competitor.  I think that means I am still second overall.

Once rehydrated I decided to redo my course with my camera and take photos of competitors in different areas of the moor and woodland.

My blip is taken at the start with orienteers from different age classes setting off (they go off every minute so with nearly 3000 competitors, it takes several hours to get through everyone).  The runners pick up their map from the relevant course map box, sort out the navigation for the first leg and then they are off across the moor.  The sun had finally come out at this time so I enjoyed its warmth as I retraced my course, stopping to blip folks as they came by.  Back in the finish field I was ready for the ice cream Tony was queuing for. 

Tony was wearing a GPS tracker today as the event has been filmed and broadcast.

Day 5 tomorrow at Craig a Barns!

If you look carefully at the left side of my blip you can see the crocodile of competitors making their way to the foot of the hill before the climb!

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