It was good to see Sue again, and we had a lovely evening with her, reminiscing about when she lived in Swindon, over forty years ago.  She was single at the time and we spent a lot of time together - in fact, she is our younger son, Jules’, Godmother - we haven’t seen her much in the intervening time, but have kept in contact by phone and letter over the years, so we had lots to share with her about the family.

We all slept well then I went out into the garden, in my pink robe, of course, which I think rather amused Sue, to take some photographs for Flower Friday.  I found this beautiful Salvia, one of the plants in our new border, which is called “Mystic Spires” and I’m sure you can see why.

Mr. HCB, who had been out in the garden for quite some time, was quite excited because he had found loads of caterpillars on his nasturtium plants, picked them off and then tipped them into our green bin, where they can chomp as much as they like - the excitement was not actually that he had found caterpillars, but that they hadn’t decimated either his beans or his cabbages!

Sue has now gone out for her power walk - so I decided to give that a miss and get on with doing my Blip for today.  When she gets back we are going out to a lovely farm shop near Cirencester, where she is treating us to lunch - it has a vegetarian restaurant, where they have wonderful salads and quiches, so we are looking forward to that and I have no doubt there will be more laughs.

Thank  you for all your wonderful comments yesterday - I’m sure we are going to enjoy having Sue here for a few days - when we were giggling last night, it felt just as if we were back in the early 1970s!

“Old friends are the great blessing 
     of one's later years . . . 
They have a memory of 
     the same events and 
          have the same mode of thinking.”
Horace Walpole

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