Apples and Oranges

By Anitsirk

A day with different chores but mostly weeding - as usual. Today I went through pots outside, a herb we sell. Several of the pots had weed and moss in them, so I removed that. Some pots had been overtaken by moss and those can of course not be sold. Every pot had some plant in it that didn't belong. Plants are really resourceful! 
Then I went with one of our supervisors to harvest beets, polka beets. I hadn't been at the upper veggie garden for some time so I was a bit surprised with everything growing there now. The flower in the photo is just one example. Lots of Dahlias of different shapes and colours grow there.
My uncle turns 80 soon and I'm thinking of binding a bouquet of flowers from the greenhouse and bring with me. 
I've been really tired this week and I'm very happy it's Friday! Happy weekend everyone! :)
And, thanks to Anni for hosting Flower Friday. :)

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