Look who I met today

So there I was................. walking sensibly on my lead to 'Hermitage of Braid', (where I was going for my afternoon walk), when just look who I spotted..................... Elizabeth. Yay!

I've only ever met Elizabeth once before when I was a weeny teeny puppy and was out for a walk. But honestly, you would have thought she was my bestest friend in the whole wide world. I was leaping around all over the place. It was soooo, sooo lovely to see her again.

Elizabeth is one of Archie's dog walkers.

Until today I hadn't met Archie because Archie doesn't like puppies.

But do you know what?........................ Archie was the bestest, most grown up, mature little Schnauzer ever. Obviously I wanted to play with him, (because I want to play with everyone), but do you know what he did?...................... He woofed at me a couple of times and then he just went into 'good boy' mode and ignored me. Grrr.................. I wanted to play with him, but he just sat and looked at me as if I was some mad, delinquent collie. Not far wrong there then? What a very well behaved, calm, little Schauzer he is.

I was leaping around all over the place. I was trying to leap on top of Archie and I was trying to leap on top of Elizabeth and I was generally just having a very nice time in hyper mode.

….........Until Ann said, 'I'm going to have to BLIP this meeting'.

…............And then Elizabeth produced treats so that we would both sit nicely for our BLIP!

It was lovely to meet you today Archie. ….................And thanks Elizabeth for the treats. Yum! Yum!

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