Late sunshine through frosted glass.

Busy day!
Hospital appointment at 9.00 am. 
Coffee afterwards at a local Independent Garden Centre.   
Baking a cake to take to Bristol in the morning. Victoria sponge filled with buttercream and jam. It was our daughter-in-law's birthday on July 19th and they were on holiday in Devon at the time. 
We are taking the present and cake down tomorrow. 
     Another friend called after lunch and we all sat in the summerhouse chatting with a cuppa. 
Time just goes! 
So here is a photo taken in our kitchen this evening as the sun was low in the sky. 
 It is now looking increasingly stormy, which doesn't bode well for the dam at Whaley Bridge further north. 
Let's hope all the heroic efforts hold and it does not collapse.     


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