Balgone Loch

This is one of my favourite "secret" routes in East Lothian. Just off the John Muir way, I turned along a path several years ago and found myself in this lovely little secluded valley - I couldn't quite believe it! Today it was wet of course, but still a great place to visit.

Big Balgone.

It turns out the loch was purpose-built for curling, which seems to have been common in the area because there are other curling ponds around, which of course never really freeze these days. The Balgone Estate has a great photograph of the curling in full-swing in 1899 on their website.

I was out for a restorative ride, 20 or 30 miles I didn't really measure, starting out in the afternoon pedalling west into the wind and returning thoroughly muddy with the wind behind me after dark. The very best way to blow off the cobwebs.

Now the children are with me for a few nights so let's hope for good weather and lots of fun :)

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