a lifetime burning

By Sheol

Mostly harmless

Wide Wednesday: Weather

So today's Wide Wednesday challenge is "weather" and of course today, nature was on its best behaviour.  There was no mighty storm or torrential downpour, the hurricane winds decided not to blow, there was neither snow nor what the newspapers like to refer to as "scorchio".  Instead, to borrow from Douglas Adams most famous work, what we got was weather that was benign and "mostly harmless".  

Despite what you may think I am not complaining. I had a very pleasurable walk around the docks at lunchtime and felt so much better for it.  However, I gather that we can expect something very different on Friday and Saturday when the wind and rain are back with a vengeance.  I rather feel for Incredibish who is away at his annual Druid camp and presumably under canvas - I hope he has everything tied down well...

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