Rain, Rain, Rain

Today we really needed to get stuff done in the house, so that my friend can arrive on Wednesday.
The weather was dreadful!
My todo-list for the day was long!!!
So we pottered around and at 3 pm we grabbed the umbrellas and walked through the seriously wet rain to Comet Pieces for a bite to eat.
Neil has done a lot of research to support me with the GDPR stuff and more. Very nice of him!
After food we waded home and continued with out work.
Now the studio is tidy and can be easily emptied when the builders come the week after next ... they postpned by 10 days because of ilness. Which is good, as Pe is coming next week and it will be nicer without building works!
My room is A LOT better than before and in the best state it was ever in. So this is progress.
The kitchen table is cleared (its big and had A LOT of stuff on it, which is all sorted!!), cleaned and oiled. 
I have done my blips and booked flights to go to Germany in September. I need to visit my cottage at a lake in Germany.... I inherited it from my dad and have not been there for years. Its not close to an airport and getting there requires car hire and drive. So not a place easy and cheap to get to - I really need to see how I can keep that in future.
Now I have still stuff to do with my website and the model releases for next Tuesday.
Another long night probably .....

Blipping my Instantflex - as it looks good and I needed some shots of it for Instagram and free film.
Too wet outside!!!

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