
By Hillyblips

The Final Twenty

Having been given the 'heads-up' that the waxwings were still loitering around Cheltenham I made the choice to abandon Slimbridge and see if I could capture a few of the final 20 as of yesterday for the BlipBigYear.

Driving up - yes my luck was in but it was a dull overcast day and they didn't seem to want to fly for that colourful shot onto the berries for me! Wondering just how long the birds would linger around the town I stuck with the decision to take a few shots rather than come back another day when they might just have disappeared altogether! One good thing came out of it as I met a fellow local blipper legless2007 and we spookily are both into butterflies, started nearly at the same time, and have the same lens! I feel a blip meet coming on....again!

So you have waxwings but I might just go back - which I did as had to do some shopping but not a waxwing in sight!

Thank you for all the lovely comments, stars and hearts on my bittern yesterday - am still grinning:))

Needs larger viewing!

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