Wound up in Wexford

By Neatwithice

Eying up a Painted Lady

I wondered from where in Africa the painted lady migrates, so Googled it.  It only comes from North Africa, so I cannot claim that it "felt at home" on the nose of our hippo

We were pleased to welcome TonyG this morning, who came bearing gifts, and were lucky enough to have good weather for a wander around the garden.  We found lots of gatekeeper butterflies, and this Painted Lady (spotted after I commented that there had been lots of blips of Painted Ladies, but I hadn't yet seen one!).  We also saw a Red Admiral, but I failed to get a photo.  

After Tony left, we were rained off from continuing our labours on the new bed, so I spent some time working on the latest project in the sewing area - I'm sure it will be the subject of a later blip.

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