
Who needs them?

Let's get the pictures out of the way...……….
I picked up the camera with the 20mm lens and bunged on an extension tube so the subjects were as near as touching the front of the lens.
Obviously water features quite strongly...……. on larchon moss - not on the Rosebay Willow Herb though. It wasn't until I got the shot on the computer screen that I realised the beetle wasn't just a bit of dirt …. it was only 3mm-4mm long.

The council sent somebody out in a tractor to cut the playing field in the monsoon yesterday ….. and today they sent the tractor out with a harrower to break up the clumps of cut/ripped up grass. Which means the whole field has been turned into a quagmire - this sort of thing
On the up side, the rain has nearly washed away the stupid paint markings and they have sprayed weed killer to mark out the real football pitch.

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