Pe arrived

I was up early and started looking through the Antonov photos and edited one to blip and show Paul, who I was meeting at 10:30 at Sara's.
Had a great catch up with Paul, and told him all about the last 4 weeks and my incredible learning curve. And he basically started everything off with the challenge he set me.
We sat together until after 1 pm.
I went home and did a few more things on the photos, then drove to the airport to pick up Pe.
We went for a coffee first, then home.
We were planning a shoot up north and were going through clothes and stuff to chose. This took a few hours.
We have a list now and things we need to look for tomorrow.
Just before 9 pm we went to Hanoi Bike shop for dinner. It was delicious.
Neil was late and is still not home - its after midnight.

Posting a quick snap of Pe at the restaurant.

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