Wet Play Day

I had a trip to Monks Cross at York - with Mrs madwill - for our free coffee and cake at John Lewis. We also took the opportunity to look at some appliances, as we are planning to refit the kitchen soon.

Also collected a new storage tower from Hobbycaft and returned to the studio with that.

I finished my fabric packing duties and set about looking for a blip - but it has been pouring with rain all day. It has been dark as well so I got out the flashgun and macro lens! Soon encountered a problem of the lens casting a shadow with light from the flash. A quick google about and I found a solution which in true Blue Peter* fashion utilised a discarded Pringles tube…see extra for the result. It has the effect of raising the point of light and putting it forward of the front of the lens.

Not the greatest photo in the world - but the tube seems to diffuse the light quite nicely and there are no shadows on the subject!

* for anyone not familiar with this expression, Blue Peter is a children’s TV programme and they often demonstrate making things utilising old washing up liquid bottles, cereal boxes, toilet roll tubes and copious amounts of glue, sticky tape, string and stick backed plastic.

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