Ladies that Lunch

Rach doesn't work on Fridays and although Violet normally goes to nursery on a Friday morning, she was allowed to stay off today so that we could all have a day together.  Unfortunately it rained all day though so there wasn't much we could do - the original plan was for us all to go to the safari park today, but because of the weather forecast that's why just Scarlett and I went yesterday as we knew it wouldn't be possible today.

So we spent the morning at home and then went to San Lorenzo's for lunch - the food is always really good and they have a special lunch time menu for £5!  After lunch we took the girls to David Lloyd so they could run off some energy in the play area and then it was home to watch a movie. 

Tonight, Rach wanted to nip to Marks and Spencer and Next as they're going to their friends' twins birthday party tomorrow and she needed to get presents for the girls, so I went with her.  I'm glad I did as M&S had all their summer stuff reduced by 50% and I got a nice linen dress and some tee-shirts for Singapore.

One advantage of the time spent at home today meant I managed to catch up with your journals at last!

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