The accidental finding

By woodpeckers

The 1940s revisited

Today's find was of Steve's family's 1940s Scrabble set, with wooden letter racks and tiles. Normally we play in a group of four, and Helen brings her (modern) scrabble set. We have a bring and share meal first. Today Helen couldn't come, and I looked for a set but could only find the tiny pocket version which I used to take on holiday, in the pre internet era. Further rummaging during the hours of daylight led to the discovery of not one, but two complete Scrabble sets!

We chose the 1940s set, but the wooden tiles yielded nothing but vowels for me. Even changing the letters just presented me with more of the same. I came an ignominious third. On the plus side, Karen's veg curry was a great success, though I'm not sure about the wisdom of combining it with the smoked mackerel pate starter and the last of the Christmas choffee/mocha ice cream. Karen says the food combining diet starts next week.

I believe in combining food with
more food
Or both

PS No, I don't think Unvex is a word either. The results of the game had me sorely vexed.

PPS This is in fact a 1950s set! See my comment to Duncan Harley if you want to know more about the finer details of scrabble world.

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