An ordinary life....

By Damnonii

Jen, gin and jumping dogs...


Spent the afternoon taking all my art work out of the frames to make sure it was properly labelled.  Seemed to take forever.  

Ele, Kenny and our niece Jennifer came for dinner.  Lola was mega excited to see them, jumping so high she cleared the floor with all four legs! 

At my meeting with Lin and Mary yesterday, they also suggested I keep a proper photographic log of all my work so Jen arrived just in time for me to commandeer her to set up each piece whilst I just sat and snapped.  Couldn't resist getting a shot of her at the end.  One of these days, when my photography mojo has returned (please let it return soon) I will arrange to do a proper photo shoot with her.  Much easier to get hold of her now since her new job means she has weekends off.

We had a lovely relaxed dinner before they all headed off and D and I settled down to watch an old episode of Taggart.  Amazingly it was one we hadn't seen before.  Or maybe we had and our memories are just really bad :-))

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