Life's Little Moments

By dbifulco


It had to be another ruby-throated hummingbird today - I can't help myself.  This was taken this morning when the light was at it's best, just catching the sequin-like feathers on this neck.  And if you look closely you'll see 1) the very tip of his tongue, and 2) the beginnings of pin-feathers showing below his neck, signs of his fall molt.  By the time he reaches Mexico he will look far less dashing as he changes out all his feathers for fresh new ones.  

It has been a crazy day.  Started out on a positive note with a very enjoyable call with my parents.  It got a little less enjoyable later, but more on that another day.  

Assuming that the rain holds off tomorrow, I'll be out with my nature group for some much needed nature-therapy.

Two butterflies released today, both perfect females.  One for a friend's sister, in Extra.


On depression... it sneaks up on you.  It may start so slowly that you don't even really notice.  A bad day here and  there, followed my a gradual increase in the "bad" days.  And by the time you start realizing something may be wrong, it all feels very overwhelming.  And that is the slippery slope of depression - that place where you know things aren't right but you feel too overwhelmed to do anything about it.  

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