Yorktown Victory Monument and Battlefield.....

Today we drove to the Yourtown battlefield where the last battle was fought and won, by the colonists.  The revolutionary war was over, the new democracy was born, the British, surrendered at Yorktown.  It was a conclusive and humiliating defeat, but Colonists had wan and now started the really hard work of making this new type of self governance work.
   Extra: A Witness Tree, that managed to survive all the shelling, that was there during the war.  It stands tall, stately and healthy.  Extra: A square rigger going out to sea.... it has 3 masts, is under sail.   extra:   The hill where the British encampment was for the surrender.  All of the soldiers had to lay down their muskets, swords, amp, and Battle unit flags (rolled up) signifying surrender.  There is a British flag flying at the top of the hill.   extra:  One of the large heavy cannons the French brought.  The cannons successfully pounded the British defenses into a mass of wreckage, forcing the British to surrender.    extra:  A statue of Thomas Jefferson, the writer of the Declaration of Independence draft,  Extra: The home where the surrender occurred by Gen Ohara who handed Conrwallis's sword to Gen Washington.  A note was sent saying the men was to ill to attend the surrender.  extra:  A statue of George Washington

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