Sally Mair - Loving life

By Sallymair

Almost over

The madness which is Edinburgh in August finishes on Monday 26th with the festival fireworks. The town will begin to return to what we consider normality. The traffic will certainly improve I spent 30 mins going a few hundred yards today. The delays were caused by a combination of excess traffic, particularly Edinburgh tour buses, going along narrow cobbled roads which were never designed to take them and inconsiderate van and lorry parking turning two lane roads into single carriageways with nobody willing to allow traffic from the other direction out to overtake the stationary vehicles. Grrrrrrrrr! I normally avoid taking the car into town but had no choice today.
I've seen this poster for a fringe show in several places around town over the past month, this one was in Leith Walk. It made me smile every time I saw it, I hope he did well, he deserves to.
Lots of ferrying around today and then this afternoon I managed to poke myself in the eye with a twig while gardening. I tried to ignore it but gave in in the end and gave it a good bathe with optrex, it looked red but OK and I thought that as it was most likely bruised or similar I'd try wrapping an ice cube in a clean hanky and holding it against the eye area, Jings it was cold, however it seems to have worked as all is comfortable again this evening.
Joyce arrived from Leeds today and Drew from Newport, Rhode Island good to catch up.
14254 steps today

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