Out in force - AGAIN.

I keep saying that, if there is reincarnation, I must have been a seal or an Inuit last time round - BUT - I'm beginning to wonder if there isn't a touch of Mosquito in there too.
The warm weather brought me out. I decided to turn my attention on the other side of the pond, of which more later. While "on land" I saw what was, probably the smallest this year's froglet, which dashed under a huge pot I couldn't be harassed to move.
When I turned my attention to the water to remove what felt like 1/2 hundredweight of water forget-me-not I spotted a veritable fleet of the wee blighters. MOST bigger than the land wanderers; there must be more/better/fattening food in than out.
I thought the "extra" might have been close to bursting point.

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