Gordon Brown and minder

Not offering any political insight or commentary but here is Gordon Brown on his way to speak at an event at the Book Festival today. Only had a moment to snap them as they were ushered into the largest Festival venue. Thanks to 60plus for the theme and for hosting Mono Monday this month. I hope it was a more enjoyable event than GB's expression indicates. I expect it was judging by the conversations going on around me. Lively anyway.

I'd decided I'd try to get to an event on the last day of the Book Festival. I'm so glad I chose Heida Asgeirsdottir and Steinunn Sigurdardottir speaking about their book Heida, a Shepherd at the Edge of the World. I've ordered it from the library already. I get fed up with the over-use of words such as 'inspirational' (and awesome, devastated, passionate etc) but I can't think of a better one to describe Heida Asgeirsdottir. She is a young woman who not only manages a sheep farm in SE Iceland on her own but also took on one of the big , powerful energy companies which wanted her land. What a role model. A really excellent event and a great way to finish my Festival-going for 2019.

As I walked back to Waverley for my train everything was gearing up for the fireworks tonight. I'll be safely home before they get going.

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