Rome wasn't built in a day

I've had one of those days where I've been flat tack but nothing I had planned to do. I remember thinking at some point "Rome wasn't built in a day".

The same applies to my garden which looks dismal this evening in the rain. As we come into the warmer months the last of the planned work will happen.

That includes a raised vege garden to the left where weeds and grass is growing out of the remains of Mt Pearce (the accidental soil delivery dumped on the front verge).

Meanwhile everything is growing and the frost tattered plants are starting to come away. Over time they'll be protected from frosts as things grow.

It's revealing to compare photos taken over time and see how much my garden has grown. In these dismal conditions it is difficult to pick out the ground covers which are slowly engulfing the bark mulch.

Today's gratitude: For progress.

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