
and I did
This was on the bridge parapet in the park. 
I had an optician appointment this morning and had to go on the bus as I had to have drops in but just as I was about to leave I had a phone call saying they hadn't given me a long enough appointment, could I be there by 9am? As it takes a min of 30mins and I only had 20 I had to say !no! but headed out anyway to see if the time I did get there would be soon enough. It wasn't but I got my new specs fiited and drops put in and had 2 hours to kill until I could get the check (which was okay) so I went and spent some money - mostly not on me.
I was going through the park from the bus stop and, although a bit longer, is nicer and there was this, so worth it.
Spent the afternoon in the garden

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