A One Hair and Beauty (and Alterations)

I'm furious and raging today, so all you get is a square cropped #leithwalkshop, and no bloody cheerful chat. I've signed the petition (have you?). It's a futile gesture, of course. It's not a coup - that's overblown language. But, it's a degradation of democracy, as it has been done for the purpose of limiting parliamentary scrutiny and accountability. And it's right out of the populists' playbook, setting the scene - in due course - for a 'people versus parliament' election. Would you believe it, I'm writing a chapter on populism this week....

I was so cross I had to do some retail therapy. I cashed in some "bank rewards" and bought a monitor, which will make doing the referencing for the book work better. As I regard the rewards as funny money, and I got £100 of spend for £90, effectively the cost of the monitor, and delivery on Friday, was just £13. Now that's a bargain, and well worth it for the task of getting the book finished.

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