New monitor

I mentioned the other day that I'd bought a new monitor. It was duly delivered this lunchtime, and we had it set up and working in double quick time. I'm pretty happy with this set up, although it obviously reduces the amount of space on my desk quite drastically. I don't have time to re-organise everything now, so I'll just have to plough on. But it will make completing the bibliography (on the big screen) much, much easier in the end. It was also great to have a pdf on the big screen that I was reading, and an open document where I could take some notes. I don't know why I didn't do this ages ago, when I first thought of the option of a second screen at home.

Pilates in the morning, then a quick shop. Mr A made bread, which was nice. And I made good progress with Chapter 6, so I'm now on to the descriptive bits - the illustrations. I hope I can whip through these over the weekend. That bit of writing is just hard graft, and making sure you get your facts and your law right.

Now I'm off to see what the retired judge Stephen Sedley (who was a hero of mine as a civil liberties lawyer when I first started studying and writing about law) has to say about Jonathan Sumption's new book in the LRB (where I believe he may also be turning out some thoughts on this prorogation nonsense). And then to bed.

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