Very cute

A pleasant morning so I managed to do some gardening before the brown bin is collected tomorrow.
Sooo many birds around including a flock of long tailed tits. This one posed nicely for me.
We took the Brownies to the Park for an evening of Hockey, Rugby and the Rope Challenge Skill builder.Lots of fun even when it started raining.We’ve got some very good Rugby and Hockey players for the future. All went home wet, covered in mud and cut grass and with big smiles on their faces.I had been watching the weather all day incase we needed to cancel , which I do not like doing as I do not want the weather to defeat me , but it was just a shower, no wind and warm enough especially when they were so active.
I’m sure my photos look different when I put them on blip, they look much sharper before I’ve down loaded them.

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