Late afternoon at the Springs

The persistent drizzle of rain this morning stopped about 15 minutes before I was about to concede defeat and take the car. I was able to leave later as the bike is quicker than the car at that time of the day, with the roadworks confusing and slowing the traffic.

Started the day with finalising some paperwork for the Mental Health Act, and was about to make myself a pot of coffee as a reward, when my brain told me I was late for a meeting up the hill. Pleased that I did remember and get there (albeit late), as the pharmacy students have done a wonderful job of collecting data on prescribing patterns in our services. The point of the meeting today was to advise them on how to rationalise the multitude of diagnoses down to a sensible grouping to be able to produce workable data analysis. The aim of this project is to establish how much overprescribing of antipsychotics is occurring. 

Having the data they have collected, there are clearly now a number of other analyses we can make, with the aim to further improve the quality of services.

After another busy day, I was home in time to then take a quick trip to Western Springs Lake. A bit late for most birds, as they were already settling for the night. Just the right time for this image through a gap between cabbage trees and flax bushes. It was a very peaceful walk. Even the geese were pleasant; they mostly ignored me completely.

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