Something accomplished

Today I got a way overdue haircut.  Since the shop is on the ground floor of my building, I walked home and passed these nasturtiums cascading down the steps of one of the streetside apartments with porches.  I've blipped them once before, last year, but I'm still taken with them whenever I walk past.  This same tenant has a lot of wildflowers in her garden, but unfortunately they were both thinning out and being blown by the wind.

My other accomplishment is that I started looking online for part-time, preferably home-based paid work.  My rent will be going up by $65/month in October, and will increase by 5% every year from now on.  I can't afford that, but there is no place in Seattle or the northern suburbs that would cost me less - I've checked.  So I have to find a way to earn something.  Ideally I'd like to market myself as a writing coach and editor, but I have no idea how to go about that.  But there are quite a few companies that are looking for English language online tutors - but since the clients are all in the Far East, my work day would have to start at 6AM!  I have a long list now that I've compiled from , including one for video captioning and one for audio transcription.The next step is to put together my resume - difficult since I haven't had a paying job since 2001.  I think the website will provide guidance in writing the resume.  

Needless to say, I'm very anxious about this, but hopeful too.  The rest of the week is unscheduled, so I'll have plenty of time to really get to work on all this.

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