Red For Today

It's not as cloudy as it looks.  In fact, there were patches of blue, but I saw this on my walk to work and was glad afterwards that I'd shot it as there was no time later for a more decent shot.

Very busy day which began at around 06.30, when I logged in on the work website and finished what I'd begun yesterday -- transferring the class lists onto my own Excel sheet, all eight of them.  Was glad there was no more traffic by the time I left the house, around 08.40, especially as rain had been predicted, and maybe that was the reason, too -- people opting not to drive to work and just work at home precisely to avoid having to face the jams, which thankfully didn't materialize.  Worked steadily till around 16.30.  Went back home.

AW all dressed up for his evening with the boys.  H picked him up.  Again the whole evening to myself.  In MNL, M's mother passed away but she'd been bed-ridden for so long so her family was not all that much in mourning and were thankful she was spared too many more years.  She was 90.  M and I had a short but cozy chat.  Apparently Jay has been posting some rather strange messages on his FB site.  In that culture, these things aren't just passing moods, and we know from experience how to read between the lines, and there's a lot being said there.  Somehow, though, I'm no longer all that bothered.

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