
By lynnjones7186


This is a shot of part of the garden at our condo.  The gardens surround the pool and are very well tended by a small team of gardeners.  Being a Friday I did think that maybe I should show you some flowers.

I did have a lost in translation moment.  I recieved a message from my Korean friend, she had made some Thai curry that she wanted to share with me.  Normally I would have said great I'm on my way, but I was in the middle of doing so cleaning and had a pile of ironing to do.  I spent the rest of the afternoon worrying that I may have offended her, hubby was out.  Eventually he came home I told him what had happened.  We were heading off for our swim so I messaged my friend.  Great she messaged back I'll see you down there.  When she arrived she had a plastic bag with some yellow curry sauce in it that she had made and wanted our opinion on.  As we already had plans for dinner, the sauce is in the fridge and we will taste it on Saturday.   

We are going out for dinner with her and our friend M on Saturday night. 

I am posting my Friday blip on Saturday morning.

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